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Article: SDCC announcement!

SDCC announcement!

SDCC announcement!

Alright crew, the biggest show of the year is upon us. I leave Wednesday morning for San Diego Comic Con for 5 days of insanity. I hope to see at least a few of you there but if not, fear not!

I'm going to do live updates from the show including sketches, booth tours, and some special guests. And it's only for you, my loyal crew. I'm going to tie you into all that's going on so you feel like you're part of the party and get to see all the fun stuff we have planned. I'll also have 2 Whatnot sales on Friday and Saturday at 12:15 EST(Friday) and 2:15 EST(Saturday) if you'd like to pick up my exclusive covers for X-men #1. here's links for you to bookmark if you're so inclined
(Fri)@markbrooks's Livestream on Whatnot
(Sat)@markbrooks's Livestream on Whatnot


We'll also have the Deadpool/Wolverine variant for Deadpool #4 on hand for anyone that loves stupidity as much as I do. 

But the biggest news is that I will be signing people up for our crew all weekend long! And I'll have a special welcome gift for anyone that signs up in person. Something really cool and only for my crew members and fellow Brigadiers. If you've signed up already all you have to do is show me verification on your phone and you're entitled to your gift. Trust me, you want this gift.

If you're already a member but aren't able to attend, please don't fret. We're working out a way to send you all your welcome gift as well. Hang tight and know that you're going to be taken care of. 

Thank you all again for joining me on this adventure. I hope it's often funny, sometimes stupid, sometimes informative, but always entertaining. My crew deserves nothing less. 

See you at SDCC! 


Awesome seeing ya again. Sad I didn’t get to see the wife and doggo! Hope ya had a safe journey home.

Matt the Pilot

Andrew- Tell your friend to mention to me that the books are for you and I will give him your welcome gift to bring back to you!

Mark Brooks

I won’t be there but I signed up for the full membership. I also sent 4 books to a friend down there for signing. Looking forward to meeting you at some point!!!

Andrew Schmidt

I’m from Spain so, I won’t be at the SDCC, but I’ll see you on whatnot, as always :)

Ainhoa Navarro Moreno

Awesome stuff! Wish I could be at SDCC in person, but alas I will not be. Maybe next year!

Phillip Quattrone

Happy to be along for the ride! Have a great SDCC!

Ryan jablonski

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